Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kickin' It

The wind outside today made some less-hearty buckeyes wear gloves and scarfs but those of us from New England know better: this is just fall. With the sun bright, the grass dewy, and a hodge-podge of undergrads, I participated in a kickball tournament to raise money for the Dave Thomas Adoption foundation. I was recruited by my PhD colleague, an adoptee herself and an adoption scholar who knows I am always game. Physical Therapy warnings and all.

The following is what I am feeling right now:

The outside of both hips is sore.
The top part of my quads feel like led.
My nose is runny--allergies or on-coming cold?
I committed five hours to kickball when I should have been reading conference abstracts.
Adoption is important.
States should let all kinds of families adopt (read: queer families, however they may come).
There should be a federal law against adoption discrimination.
Adoption is tricky.
We need to pay more attention to kids in foster care. Period.
We need to stop making money off of kids in Korea and China (my adoption scholar friend calls this the Adoption Industrial Complex) and provide the resources people need for parenting everywhere.
We should probably think through, as a culture, what is really needed to parent.
Wendy's chili was a surprisingly good lunch.

Today was one of those days where I probably sacrificed physical health for mental. And I can't say I regret it just yet--as I put on another pot of coffee to get started on my work of the day.

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