Here are some updates:
In the month of exams, I'm pretty sure I picked up some loose drinking habits. Like, sitting on my couch alone with gossip girl and a gin and tonic habit. So I'm working on keeping track of some of my alcohol consumption--making sure that I'm not just making a cocktail or pouring a glass of wine out of restlessness or boredom.
I've also noticed my stomach feels like an open wound. Could be combination of alcohol, stress, and caffeine. So I'm going to cut coffee after noon. Try to stick to water or green tea.
I'm experimenting with acupuncture. I've now had two visits to work on this hip pain. Weirdly, after the first visit where she worked on two pressure points in my left ear (in addition to many more, mostly centered on my right upper arm) I developed the first ear ache I've ever had and it lasted for four days. When I asked her about it, she said that she had never heard of that reaction before... my body continues to surprise me. Is the acupuncture working re: the hip pain? A few days ago when I went back, she did a lot of points in my left hand, which left me unable to write for a few hours. As I was walking to the clinic, about half mile up the road from me, I noticed I had the usual pinching where my thigh meets my hip, more prominent on the left side than the right. On the way home, I noticed the pain was gone. As I'm sitting here now, cross-legged with the computer on lap, there's dull throbbing in my right ass and if I thrust my hips forward to rearrange my weight, the pinching in the front continues. My acupuncturist told me to try four sessions, about a week apart, and see how I feel afterwards. So, because I'm so desperate to be able to walk and bike and sit without constant need for readjusting, I'm sticking with it.
I'm trying to make myself do my p.t. exercises at least four days/week. My p.t. said I could start biking at five minute intervals in a month if I continued these exercises regularly. Last week I did them twice.
I keep hoping I feel energized enough to get back into my Ashtanga routine, something I've been doing since I was 15. But I've noticed something. I've actually become afraid to move. My body has defeated me. I anticipate pain even when its not there. And as a result, my body feels heavy. I'm out of shape. And I crave more sugar. So I'm telling myself: vegetables and short walks. A few yoga postures--no need for a full routine.
And with that, I have nothing clever to end this blog with. Just a hope that this list will become lived.
Good luck, I am trying a new thing in March too. I am doing herbalife shakes for breakfast and lunch during the week. And I am going to try and attempt to go to yoga twice a week instead of just once. Good luck with your goals! I wonder if your acupuncturist is doing it right if you are having bad pains in the wrong places? I don't know anything about that stuff, but places going numb would scare me.